Science Fiction Space

Pets in spaaaaace

Animals in space don’t have a happy history, but more than half of humans share their lives with an animal companion. Space pets will be a thing, even if they’re rarely found in science fiction. Laika and her doomed Soviet space dog chums, the NASA chimps, and the countless small animals sent to experience things […]

book reviews Creative writing

Amazon Author Central asked for five book tips…here’s 15

Amazon has updated Author Central and asked me to recommend five books for five questions. Here’s a few more for your TBR. If you’ve never heard of Amazon Author Central, it’s like a micro-site for every author. You can host a bio, photos, and now suggest books you like. For the update, Amazon asks you […]

book reviews Creative writing

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, Titus Groan and The Grapes of Wrath: Book Corner 4.3

The world ends at least five times in season four of my writing group’s monthly book corner. Either it was accidentally about apocalypses, or we’re a very dark group. The season concludes with: What is the book corner? Each month the group takes a break from critiquing our WIPs to examine a complete, published novel. […]