book reviews Creative writing

Book vs film: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

The Book Corner season 5: Book vs film. Episode 3: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan The Percy Jackson heroverse is a middle grade mega-brand today, but 2005’s The Lightning Thief was cast firmly in the role of Harry Potter wannabee by its 2010 movie adaptation. Does the plucky young demigod deserve his reputation, and […]

book reviews Creative writing Horror

Book vs film: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

The Book Corner season 5 episode 1: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion The Book Corner takes on a series of books and their adaptations, for better or for worse. We start with Isaac Marion’s 2012 rom-zom-com Warm Bodies and the 2013 film starring Nicholas Hoult. Was it a fresh take on the zombie genre or […]