The Good Reader: Opening Chapters report

The Good Reader logoHave you started your novel but you’re not sure how to progress? The Opening Chapters report looks at the strengths and weaknesses of your first 10,000 to 20,000 words.

I will suggest how you can to move forward with confidence to a complete first draft. If you have an outline of your complete story, I will also critique that.

What do I need from you?

The opening chapters of your novel, along with an outline for the rest of your story (up to 500 words), in Microsoft Word or Google Doc format.

There are two options: up to 10,000 words (approximately 3 chapters) or up to 20,000 words.

Your chapters don’t need to be perfectly proof-read, but it will help me focus on the story if you’ve put them through the free tier of Grammarly, ProWritingAid or Microsoft Word’s built-in Editor.

What will you get from me?

I use the ABCDs to gauge the impact of your story’s beginning, and answer the most important question: will your readers keep reading?

This report will focus on your ability to capture the reader’s interest and promise a story that will continue to hold it, whether that’s because they love your characters, they want to see a villain defeated (or victorious), or a mystery unravelled.

I will address common problems, such as finding the best place to begin your story, setting up your characters and their world, and introducing the challenges which will drive the story.

You will receive a report of 500-1,000 words, including my recommendations for further editing, which might be required. This may be a developmental edit, line editing, copy editing, or proofreading.

Additional services include an annotated Word/Google doc and a Zoom consultation to discuss my feedback.

How long will it take?

Opening chapter reports take 5 working days to deliver. I will give you a delivery schedule when you submit your chapters and outline. Zoom consults must be scheduled within one month of receiving your report.



  • Up to 10,000 words €200
  • Up to 20,000 words €250

Payment in £GBP, $USD and other non-Eurozone currencies.

Additional services
  • Annotated doc with line edits €50
  • Zoom consult (30 min) €50

You can request and schedule a Zoom consult up to one month after I deliver your report.

Tick as many as you need, or use the box below.
I can read opening chapters without an outline, but it will help me to understand the context of your story.
You can add these at any time, even after you’ve read the report.
Payments from outside the Eurozone

I can accept payments in a variety of currencies, but exchange rates fluctuate and transaction fees vary depending on how you pay. Non-Euro prices will be calculated at final checkout based on current exchange rates and international transaction fees.